Ashton St Peters Primary School

March 2019

Another warm welcome was received at Ashton St Peters for the third year.  We had another great turn out of staff and parents prior to our delivery. This is excellent as it ensures all parties have the confidence to continue the necessary conversations after our visit ensuring children are kept safe, healthy and happy.

Parent feedback

 “Great presentation, I have every confidence that my child will respond well and take in what is being taught.  I will also start to use the standard body part names at home. Andrea Lawlor, child in Reception.

 “I think it is great that the introduction to the LGBTQ+ community is given.  Being factual and scientific about parts of the body and changes is fantastic.  I am happy my boys get the opportunity to speak to and listen to other talk about the subject.” Tamara, children in Year 1 & Year 5.


Key Facts

  • +20% increase in parents’ confidence, now 95%.
  • +26% increase in staff confidence, now 98%.


Staff feedback

“Great lesson as always, content and delivery of the lesson was appropriate and clear, presented with sensitivity.  It is important that the children have the opportunity to ask questions anonymously too.Joanne Ingham, Teacher Year 6.

 “An excellent delivery as always! Clear information at the right level.  The children are always made to feel comfortable so they can ask questions without embarrassment.” Helen Harwood, Teaching Assistant Year 5/6.