Teacher's relationship and sex education FAQs

At BigTalk Education we understand how hectic the life of a teacher is, so we have collated some quick answers for busy teachers!

Your Questions Answered


What training do you offer?
  • We offer a range of Primary and Secondary RSE training solutions to meet the needs of teachers, trainee teachers and other education professionals. Get in touch to see how we can help.
What themes are covered at what key stage?
  • At age 3 (UK nursery) we teach the differences between boys and girls; naming body parts using the correct scientific words; the private areas of the body; and the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touches.
  • At ages 4 to 6 (UK Reception, School Years 1 & 2 ) we reinforce and strengthen what was covered in Nursery. Using specially designed, child friendly resources and in a calm, open and fun environment, the children are taught how to identify happy situations within relationships, and those which may be risky (e.g., other children or adults taking improper photographs of them, inappropriate touches, exposure to unsuitable media etc.) Throughout the session children are encouraged to join in and reassured that they have people that they can talk to if they are worried.
  • Ages 7 to 8 (School Year 3) the children are taught: the differences between boys and girls, naming body parts using the correct scientific words, and the private areas of the body. Using specially designed child friendly resources and in a calm, open, fun environment, children will be able to identify happy situations within relationships, and those which may be risky (e.g., other children or adults taking improper photographs of them, appropriate and inappropriate touches, exposure to unsuitable media etc.) Throughout the session children are encouraged to join in and reassured that they have people that they can talk to if they are worried.
  • Ages 8 to 9 (School Year 4) we build on the Year 3 information and also cover different kinds of families, similarities and differences between boys and girls. We also include the emotional and physical changes of growing up (puberty), how babies are made, then develop in the womb etc. (reproduction). Also discussed is, how to look after our bodies and be safe and healthy.
  • At ages 8 to 9 (School Year 5 & 6) we cover different kinds of families (same sex parents, foster families etc.), the emotional and physical changes of growing up, similarities and differences between boys and girls (including transgender), coping with different emotions, looking after our bodies as they change and the onset of periods (puberty). In these classes we explain that babies are made from an ovum and a sperm then develop in the womb (reproduction). How to be safe and healthy linking back to and building on identifiable risks, we also strengthen awareness of “our body is our own” and personal safety especially on-line grooming, etc. 
    (Information at this stage is vital to protect them as they move onto Secondary School and to provide an alternative information they may find on the internet.)
Can you help me deliver relationship and sex education in my school as I don’t think we can afford outside specialists?
  • If you are a primary school then yes. Our resources are available to buy on-line however for schools delivering RSE independently we recommend the resources are accompanied by staff training for a minimum of two school staff. In our accompanying training day we cover many aspects of RSE that newcomers or those with outdated training often overlook. Some schools also choose to buy a class set of Bodies, Babies and Bellybuttons books which are a great support for the Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach.
  • For secondary schools we offer staff training. Contact us for more information.
Can you help me answer questions from the pupils and parents after you go?
  • Some schools find that pupils and parents will raise further questions after BigTalk education visits. We find most teachers who have been to the parent/teacher session and/or taken part in shadow training observing our facilitators are confident in answering parent and pupil questions.
Do you cover my area?
  • We are able to travel to schools all over the UK, however we add associated travel costs to our fees to schools outside our core area of Yorkshire & Humber.
Do you speak to parents?
  • In line with government and Ofsted guidelines we actively engage with parents in our Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach programme. We offer each of our schools access to our on-line age specific presentations. These are to be shared with School staff, parents and carers to give an introduction to BigTalk, our delivery and the resources used. Any questions which arise having watched these can be directed to our office on admin@bigtalkeducation.co.uk
  • For incidents of inappropriate behaviour or other causes for concerns we offer one to one sessions for individual children or young people. These referrals can come from schools, children’s centres or directly from parents. Whenever a one to one take places we endeavour to ensure our staff member also speaks directly with the child’s parent(s) to discuss the issues at hand and update them on what happened in the session.
Children/a child at our school are/is using inappropriate language/displaying inappropriate behaviour, can you help?
  • If multiple incidents are occurring in a school population such as frequent use of a particular inappropriate word or a ‘game’ of touching sweeping the playground it can often indicate that there is an immediate requirement for a whole school programme of RSE such as the Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach.
  • If inappropriacy is confined to an individual or if the source of a wider ‘trend’ is discovered, we recommend one to one sessions in addition to the whole school approach, to ensure the child fully understands what is okay and not okay. Use of inappropriate language or behaviour may be indicative of abuse or early stage indicators such as exposure to pornography, therefore immediate one to one intervention is recommended. If you suspect a child may be being abused please refer to your school’s child protection policy, Safeguarding lead or if still in doubt the government guidelines on what to do.
What should I put in our school RSE policy?
  • As part of the Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach programme BigTalk Education will provide a free example RSE policy for partner schools.
What is in the new statutory guidance?
What do OFSTED require when it comes to RSE and how can you help us be Outstanding?
  • In its 2013 Report PSHE, Not Yet Good Enough Ofsted were quite explicit about what they expected to see in Schools.

    (We are currently awaiting further updates on this guidance from government.

We are currently awaiting further updates on this guidance from government.

Got a question? Get in touch.