Bowmandale Primary School

January 2020

Another warm welcome was received at Bowmandale Primary by the children, staff and parents. We have been visiting this school since 2014 delivering our Growing up Safe Programme year on year. It’s so nice to see that the children have remembered the sessions from the previous years and are keen to build on what they have already learnt. This helps us to assist the school in making sure the children remain safe, healthy and happy.

Parent feedback

 “Well presented. Content was informative but not too much. I feel more reassured about what my children are being taught Amy Smith, children ages 4 and 6.

 “A very clear description of how the programme is delivered to the children. Super child friendly! This is the second time I have attended and it helps to reinforce topics our children may want support with, thank you!” J Jackson, children ages 5 and 10.

Key Facts

  • +20% increase in parents’ confidence, now 95%.
  • +26% increase in staff confidence, now 98%.

Staff feedback

“A lovely comforting delivery that put the children at ease. Very detailed and clear facts presented in a friendly and informative way. Thanks.L Singleton, Class Teacher.

 “Pitched perfectly for the age of the children. Allows confidence to grow in use of correct terms, building on information covered in EYFS session. Thank you!” Michelle Ashton, Teacher.

“Super session. Age appropriate language and well explained. Thank you!”K Prestwood, Early Years Practitioner.