Bushfield Infant School

November 2022

This was our first visit to Bushfield Infant School and what a warm welcome we received from staff, pupils and the parents. We hope to return next year to build upon the work we have done.

Parent feedback

 “I feel much better about talking about it now. 
R. Marsh
, children ages 4 & 8.

 “The presentation was very informative and reassuring that my child will be subjected to content that I am very much comfortable with.” Vicki C, children ages 6 & 7.

 “I have already started telling my daughter the “proper” names for private body parts. This session has helped me to know what she is learning at school and how I can carry on at home.”
Jasmin Beckett, child age 4

Key Facts

  • This was our first visit to Bushfield Infants School.
  • Parents were very supportive of the programme.


Staff feedback

“As a parent I can feedback that my child fully understood his “BigTalk” (At age 3). It was wonderful to observe this first hand. My class were fully engaged and the appropriateness was perfect for their age group. 
Miss S Miller, Teacher.

 “Delivered well and age appropriate. Children remained engaged during the session and made fully aware of their private areas of the body as well as learning what is and isn’t appropriate.
S Wood, Teaching Assistant.

“The children were all engaged in the session and were keen to answer and ask questions. The session was pitched perfectly for the age of the children.” Sarah Cole, Teaching Assistant.