Clifton Green Primary School

May 2022

A great first visit to Clifton Green Primary School and a very warm welcome received from both staff and parents. We enjoyed working with the children and look forward to future visits.

Parent feedback

 “It is very useful to know the content school provides to be able to work alongside it at home. The safety aspects and what is acceptable or not is very helpful and important. Hayley Peterson, children aged 3, 7 & 9.

 “The lesson content is appropriate and doing the presentation for parents is wonderful as it made me more confident in answering questions. Thanks for the good work – good luck!” Ashim R, Primary aged children .

 “Great! Very reassuring to know this is being taught to children – I hope every child has access to this in the UK” Anonymous .

Key Facts

  • Statutory RSE in primary schools is particularly pertinent to safeguarding young people.


Staff feedback

“The session was great. Perfectly pitched with all the necessary information given – well used slides. Friendly delivery meant children were happy to ask questions and answer.Annie Mould, Teacher Year 6.

“Very informative. Good use of sensitive vocabulary. Like the girl specific talk so the boys understand. Very well delivered.” Daniel Palmer, Teacher Year 5.