Hadrian Academy

September 2018

As our first school of the academic year, it is always lovely to visit our friends at Hadrian’s Academy in Dunstable, yet again this year we had a fabulous turn out of over 40 parents and staff at the parents’ session.

Parents’ feedback

“Excellent session, it has been good to see what the children will be taught. It has prepared me better for questions at home.” Hannah Crosby, Parent.

Staff feedback

“The session was delivered so tactfully and appropriately. The Atmosphere was safe and the children felt comfortable asking any questions they had.” Emma Slough, Year 4 Teacher.

“Excellent delivery, the children learnt lots and answered questions sensibly. Very suitable for the age group with good pictures.” Laura Pethybridge, Year 3 Teacher.

Key Facts

  • +23% increase in parents’ confidence, now 90%
  • +72% increase in staff confidence, now 88%.