Hatchell Wood Primary Academy

June 2019

We met 30 parents during our second visit to Hatchell Wood Primary Academy in Doncaster and the feedback received from both parents and staff was great! The children had  remembered much of what they had been taught last year which was fantastic. As a result we were able to build upon this foundation and extend on our delivery in line with the needs of their development. We look forward to going back next year!

Parent feedback

 “Great Programme! Very simply explained. I came to last years presentation but it was great to have a recap.” Rachael, child in Year 1.

 “I think this is excellent! It is important that children know what is appropriate and what isn’t and that everybody is different.” Anonymous, child in Year 2.

The ladies today have taken off some of the pressure for me.” Laura Wilkins, child in Year 6. 

Key Facts

  • +11% increase in parents’ confidence, now 93%.
  • +23% increase in staff confidence, now 94%.


Staff feedback

“Excellent delivery of age appropriate content in a very child friendly way. Wide range of topics covered in a clear and concise manner. Fantastic!.” Felicity Burton, Deputy Head.

 “Clear and good pace. Lots of chance/expectation for children to repeat the scientific words and chance to get rid of the giggles and feel more relaxed about listening and talking about it. ” Hayley Breeze, Year 5 Teacher.