Hurst Green Primary School

June 2023

We were welcomed back to Hurst Green for our third visit in June 23. The teachers were very complimentary of our delivery and supportive of our sessions.  We had a good turn out of parents at our morning parent session and received some very positive feedback. The children had good retainment of previous sessions and were a pleasure to work with.

Parent feedback

 “Very good – just enough for the different ages. Our children will really benefit from these sessions. Knowledge is power!.
Mr & Mrs Whittaker
, children ages 9 and 10.

 “I watched the presentation online before coming to the session. Both very clear and appropriate and really useful. Presenter was really engaging, clear and friendly – perfect for the children.”
Anneka French
, child Age 5.

 “The session was really informative. It was helpful to know what they are being taught so when they ask questions I know what theu have been taught already.”
Gemma Standen, children ages 9 and 10.

Key Facts

  • This is BigTalk’s 3rd Year supporting Hurst Green with RSE.
  • Teachers and Parents are very supportive of the Growing up Safe Programme.


Staff feedback

“The session was clear, simple and age appropriate. I feel that the topics covered were perfect for the age group and clearly explained.Miss Wheeler, Teaching Assistant EYFS.

 “A clear factual session informing children of important facts and knowledge. Scientific terms used and all children responded well.” Edwina Hayward, Teacher Year 3.

This was an excellent delivery of the “BigTalk”. The children seemed interested and asked questions.”
Veronica Wilde, Teaching Assistant Year 6.