Hutton Cranswick Community Primary School

March 2020

This was our 3rd visit to Hutton Cranswick. We worked with parents  staff and children and the feedback received was great! The children had  remembered much of what they had been taught last year which was fantastic and the increase in staff confidence was evident too. We look forward to visiting again next year!

Parent feedback

 “Very useful and informative. The information was presented clearly” Joanne Baldwin, children ages 5 and 8.

 “Found the presentation very good. Everything was explained clearly.” Adam Read, children ages 5 and 8.

“I found it very helpful. It is good to know what is age appropriate and has encouraged me to not shy away from discussing and talking to my children. It is good to know what and how my children will be taught.” Eileen Weir, children ages 4 and 7.

Key Facts

  • +20% increase in parents’ confidence, now 85%.
  • +28% increase in staff confidence, now 92%.


Staff feedback

“I thought the session was fantastic. They bought up sensitive concepts in an appropriate way for the children. As an NQT I feel a lot more confident about answering children’s questions.” Katherine Smith, Class Teacher.

 “Very happy with the content and delivery. Sensitive subjects were tackled in a very child friendly way. The overall feeling from the session was that it is designed to help and protect children as they grow.” M Never, Class Teacher.

 “Excellent delivery of content. The proof was in the effectiveness of a normally very lively group of boys!
Jill C, Teaching Assistant.