Kirk Sandall Junior School

July 2023

This was our third visit to Kirk Sandall Junior School and as always we received a warm welcome. The children were a pleasure to work with and participated in all the sessions. It was great to see what Year 3 had remembered from their sessions in Infants too. 

Staff feedback

 “Child friendly slides used alongside appropriate scientific terminology. Excellent delivery from friendly staff who praised and encouraged the girls Shannen Parkin, Teacher Year 6.

“Really useful session which presented the information in a sensitive appropriate way. The staff were engaging and no-nonsense which minimised fussing from the children. Thank you!.”
Heather Lawrence
, Teacher Year 5.

“The lesson was well presented – matter of fact but sensitive. Highlighting all aspects of childhood changes in an age appropriate manner”
Clare Stoppard, Teaching Assistant Year 4

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