Manor Lodge Primary

June 2018

The motto at Manor Lodge Primary is ‘learning for life’ and we think that our Growing Up Safe sessions are some of the most important lessons the children we work with will learn in life.

Parent feedback

 “Thank you for explaining what will happen with the children, we (as parents) are very open with our girls but I am looking forward to hearing what I’ve missed! ” Lisa Sheering, child in Year 1 and 3.

Staff feedback

The pitch of the session was excellent. Technical vocabulary was explained in a child friendly and informative manner. [The team] made the children very at ease to talk about any issues or questions. Thanks you.” Greg Yates, Assistant Head.

Key Facts

  • +64% increase in parents’ confidence, now 97%.
  • +42% increase in staff confidence, now 90%.

 “The lesson was delivered to a high standard. The two [facilitators] were very clear, they also used great visuals.” Natalie Oliver, Teaching Assistant.

 “Clear, concise presentation, which was relevant to the children’s age (ie. social media, games consoles)…Really informative for both children and adults. ” Ashleigh Kisiedu, Teacher.