Ormiston South Parade Academy

January 2019

Parents and staff at Ormiston South Parade Academy now have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction.

Parent feedback

 “I feel this has been a good starting point to help me explain to my son about the private areas.  I would recommend this to be carried out in all schools. Rebecca Daysh, child in Year 3.

 “It has given me a good insight on how to talk about these subjects with my daughter. I have no worries about her attending these sessions.” Lisa Costello, child in Year 4. 

“Very interesting talk, I feel a lot better about what questions my children may ask.”  R Albey, children in Year 1 and Year 4.


Key Facts

  • +37% increase in parents’ confidence, now 93%.
  • +48% increase in staff confidence, now 96%.


Staff feedback

“Lovely session in which the children we able to follow no matter what their ability.  The staff were great pinpointing questions and giving children time to understand each aspect.  A very good informative lesson, delivered superbly by the two ladies!Terry Marriott, Teacher Year 1.

 “A fantastic session, very informative.  Well pitched for the Year 5 boys.  The ladies explained everything clearly and made it engaging for the pupils.” Charlotte Carter, Teacher Year 5.

“Good coverage of the different areas of body safety including adult relationships and E-safety.  Really interactive and involved the children in questioning.” Daisy Colebrook, Teaching Assistant Year 5 .