Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC Primary School

February 2022
Like all good parents we shouldn’t have favourites, but we all enjoy going back to OLMC each year. We often quote them as the best example of faith schools who realise the importance of age appropriate RSE in keeping children safe healthy and happy. Their Head Teacher has been a vanguard in this field encouraging other faith schools to aim for best practice in RSE.

Staff feedback

 “Always fabulous delivery at the level of the children. Age appropriate for the youngest children.” Phillipa Martin, Reception Teacher.

 “So professional, totally delivered at a level appropriate to the children’s age. Very informative. As a teacher, grateful this session is delivered from outside as it takes on a very sensible meaning” Sharon Matthew, Year 4 Teacher.

“Very clear for the children to follow/understand.” Lucy Jones, Year 2 Teacher. 

Key Facts

  • This was our 7th visit in 7 Years .
  • OLMC recognise the importance of good RSE delivered in line with the catholic faith.