Parkgate House School

October 2020

We have been travelling down to Clapham to visit Parkgate School every year since 2014 and each time it is a pleasure.  This year the staff and pupils were warm and welcoming as always. It is fabulous to have built up such a good relationship with the school over the years as this really is reflected in the level of pupil participation throughout the sessions.

It is great to see what they remember and how keen they are to learn that bit more. 


Staff feedback

“Super informative lesson. Deb had a lovely manner with the children. They listened so intently. I feel reassured that the children know who to talk to about RSE” Nicola Needham, Teacher

“The various scenarios used in the lesson engaged the children very well and got them thinking about what they would do if they felt unsafe. Fantastic lesson!.” Julia B, Teaching Assistant.

“Very clear and informative. The children were all engaged. The delivery was excellent and there was lots of participation from the children.” 
Amy Duckworth, Teacher.

Key Fact

  • BigTalk have visited Parkgate House 7 times in the last 7 years.