Plover School

March 2023

We have been visiting this school since 2018. Each year it is great to come back and see what the children have remembered and build upon this in line with their personal development needs.  The school staff have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction which is brilliant!  

Staff feedback

 “Fantastic session. There was a range of information tailored to the children age. The session was interactive and most of the children were engaged. At the end of the session children were able to ask questions and go back over information. Loved it, thank you! 
J Farrow, Teacher

 “Very interactive, informative and age appropriate. Thank you, the lads learned a lot. 
L Brown, Teacher

 “Girls were engaged and asking and answering questions. Felt the level of language was appropriate for the age group.” 
M Carter, Teaching Assistant

Key Facts

  • Good quality RSE helps to ensure children are kept healthy and safe.