Pocklington School

September 2022

We were once again given a really warm welcome by the staff and pupils at Pocklington School. We have visited annually since 2016 and this is evident when working with the pupils as they have excellent knowledge of RSE and how to keep safe. Thank you, we look forward to coming back next year.


Parent feedback

 “It’s excellent. Very factual so no room for imagination in a child’s mind. 
Parent of Child age 8

 “It was very informative and interesting. I think it was a great presentation, clear and precise.” Parent of children age 6 & 8.

 “Very informative and I feel like it is very useful that the children are learning about this at school. Parent of children age 6 & 8.

Key Facts

  • Parents are very supportive of RSE which is great for the school and most importantly for the pupils.
  • Pupil knowledge of RSE is good and they are confident in asking appropriate questions to check their understanding.


Staff feedback

“Great to see the team in school again.Bonnie Steel, PSHE Lead.

Thank you for a really informative session, pitched at just the right level for Year 4 but not holding back important information.” Guy Askew, Year 4 Teacher. 

“Excellent, clear reassuring discussion with Year 6 girls. Questions answered really clearly. Thank you.”
J.C, Year 6 Teacher.