Scartho Junior Academy

February 2024

Our staff really enjoyed their visit to Scartho Junior Academy and fed back that they were made to feel very welcome by both the staff and pupils, so thank you! The pupils were an absolute pleasure to work with and showed great recall of information from our previous visits. It is evident that the children are made to feel safe helping them to feel comfortable to speak about RSE and their bodies. They are a credit to the work put in by the staff team.

Staff Feedback

 “Very well delivered. All children were focused on the presentation and there was plenty of opportunity for children to participate. Great use of correct vocabulary and recapping on what had been covered.  
Matthew Stead, Year 5 Class Teacher.

“Both ladies explained important topics to the class clearly and managed the class well at the same time. It is much better to have this taught by other adults than the class teacher.”
Harry Warwick, Year 6 Class Teacher.

“Keep doing what you are doing! Very useful and informative to children.”
Jack Groves, Year 6 Class Teacher.

Key Fact

  • BigTalk worked with over 40,000 pupils and young people in the 2022/23 educational year. Helping to keep them healthy, safe and happy. 