Scotter Primary School

February 2023

This was our first visit to this Lincolnshire Primary School in the lovely village of Scotter. The staff and pupils were very welcoming and the parents who came to find out about our deliver were very supportive of our efforts to work with the School to help keep their children healthy and safe.


Parent feedback

 “Very impressed by the presentation. It is an excellent way for children to learn and gain the foundation building block of learning” Anonymous Parent, Child Aged 8.

 “Put my mind at ease, very scientific.” Anonymous Parent, Children Ages 6 & 9.

Staff feedback

 “The explanations are brilliant and really help me as a teacher to answer the questions the children have” Year 5 Teacher.

 “A really good session teaching children how to stay safe both in reality and online and understanding private areas” Year 3 Teacher.

 “Very professional. Made the boys feel relaxed and happy to answer questions. Liked that the boys were taught about female changes too. A sense of humour helped engage the boys about a topic that they were previously nervous about” Year 6 Teacher.

Key Facts

  • This was our 1st visit to Scotter Primary School.
  • The staff felt more confident after the sessions in speaking to the pupils about RSE and their bodies.