St Marie's Catholic Primary School

July 2018

It was great to see the 30 parents and guardians that came along to our parents year at St Marie’s Catholic Primary School in Sheffield. We met some parents whose children were new to the school, as well as some we had met before that came along for a refresher on how to talk to their children about keeping safe, their bodies and reproduction.

Parents’ feedback

“Very useful. So comprehensive and complete that [the parents talk] left me with no questions! Thank you.” Ana Santiago, Parent.

“The presentation was very good, very clear and straight to the point. Easy to follow and very happy about the stages of the topics done according to age groups.” Elizabeth Mwakawamfurs, Parent.


Key Facts

  • +50% increase in parents’ confidence, now 87%.


  • +35% increase in teachers’ confidence, now 97%.

Teachers’ feedback

“Very clear presentation. Great class control – silly responses or lack of attention were dealt with quickly and firmly. Children were praised for good responses and behaviour. Very clear information given in a very positive way.” Ms Armstrong, Teacher.

BigTalk Education Case Studies

Hayfield Lane Primary School (Doncaster)

Hayfield Lane Primary School (Doncaster)

This was our 3rd visit to Westways Primary School and it was lovely to receive another warm welcome from the parents, carers, staff and pupils. It was great to see what the children had remembered from our previous visits.Staff feedback  "Lots of relevant discussion....

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