St Peter's Catholic Primary School

September 2022

We have been visiting this school since 2018 and it is really evident when working with their children as their knowledge of how to keep safe and avoid risky situations is great. St Peter’s staff also have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction which is great to see.

Staff feedback

“I love the clarity of the delivery, everything is fact based and scientifically accurate. The children respond well and it is amazing what they can remember from previous years.” Steve Dent, Year 4 Teacher.

“Creates a good safe environment to talk and discuss. Informative.” David Ward, Assistant Head.

Lovely presentation – clear instructions. Quickly stated science words not rude words. Reinforced keywords. Wendy Allent, Year 3 Teacher.



Key Facts

  • Pupil’s knowledge of RSE and how to keep safe is good.
  • Staff show good levels of confidence is speaking with children about their bodies.