The Grange Primary School

February 2019

After a great turnout at the parents session, parents and staff at The Grange Primary School are now more confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction.

Parent feedback

 “Comforting knowing what to discuss and in what detail with my children, found it very helpful. Chris, child in Reception.

 “I thought the talk was really educational and geared for each year group!” Kay, child Year 2.

“Found the talk really helpful, I now feel better prepared for any forthcoming questions that might arise.” Anonymous, Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 5


Key Facts

  • +34% increase in parents’ confidence, now 90%.
  • +39% increase in staff confidence, now 99%.


Staff feedback

“A fantastic clear and engaging delivery.  Very informative, age appropriate presentation covering all aspects of growing up.  A great information sheet for staff to use to follow up with the children after the session.  Very helpful.Bethany Turtle , Teacher Year 6.

 “Simple, clear information which is age appropriate, delivered in a ‘fun’ way with children interacting.  I thought the addition of same sex relationships is a good idea, keeping up with society and things children may be exposed to in their families.” S. Wright, E.Y.P Foundation 2.