Thorne Green Top
April 2018There is nothing more our team love, than coming away from a parent’s session knowing we are leaving every single parent or carer 100% confident about talking to their children about keeping safe, their bodies and reproduction.
Parents’ feedback
“I found that the session made me feel a lot more comfortable about talking to my children and I found it was really helpful to find out exactly what my children will be learning.” Joanne, children in Years 3 and 4.
“A great presentation to show parents what will be shown/said in preparation for the future.” R. Matindale, children in Years 2, 3 and 4.
Key Facts
- +47% increase in parents’ confidence, now 100%!!!
- +50% increase in staff confidence, now 80%.
Staff feedback
“This was excellent! Very age appropriate. All children engaged and learnt everything they needed to. Very eye opening to hear the children’s views. Thank you.” Lizzie Hay, Year 1 and 2 Teacher.
“I felt the presentation used really helped to support the children’s understanding. Children were encouraged to say the words so they don’t feel they are ‘rude’ words. The children were very respectful [towards the team] and felt comfortable.” A. Bisby, Year 4 Teacher.
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