Walkeringham Primary School

April 2019

It was nice to be welcomed at Walkeringham Primary School for our first visit.  We had a good turn out of school staff and parents to our evening session prior to our delivery and received some positive responses from both parties. We hope to return next year to build on this foundation.

Parent feedback

 “A great overview of a sometimes tricky topic.  I am sure my boys will love it and ask lots of great questions. Victoria Hunter, child in year 1 & year 3.

 “Great session, well delivered, excellent use of time.  I loved the slides and content.  I am confident my child will get what he needs from the programme.” Rachel Wormald, child in Reception.

“Very informative session, especially the language that will be used with the children. Katie Burgin, child in year 2, year 4 and year 6. 


Key Facts

  • +18% increase in parents’ confidence, now 93%.
  • +49% increase in staff confidence, now 100%.


Staff feedback

“Great lesson, delivery was very clearly explained.  The staff had a super rapport with the children.  I fell the children will have taken that this subject matter is part of normal growing up and their lives. Heather Driver, Class Teacher Key Stage 1.

 “Lovely, informative presentation.  It made me feel more confident on the rapidily changing subject of Sex and Relationships.  It also made me realise that the children are really  comfortable to talk to people about it and it is often the adults who find it awkward incase we say the wrong thing.” Jenny Smith, Teacher Key Stage 2.