Wroot Travis Charity C of E School

February 2019

Parents and staff at Wroot Travis now have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction.

Parent feedback

 “The presentation was really informative and has allowed us to build on and backup the discussions that will be talked about with our children. Grant & Liz Mockler, children in Year 5 and Year 10

 “I know have a good understanding how to approach this subject with my children and what is age appropriate, when and at what age to talk to them.” Sam Wilson, children in Year 4 and Year 8.


Key Facts

  • +25% increase in parents’ confidence, now 100%.
  • +25% increase in staff confidence, now 100%.


Staff feedback

“Super presentation! Children fully engaged. Straight forward and easy to understand.  The two Debs were fantastic!.Jane H, Teacher Year 3/4.

 “Excellent presentation and relevant to the age group.  Good questioning promoted in-depth discussions with pupils.  Made the children feel at ease and answered the questions sensitively.” Pamela Higginson, Teacher Year 5/6.